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Your Face as an Old Master Portrait

A new website lets you upload a photo of yourself and it will modify it to look like an old master painting. This is not an example of style transfer that we’ve seen before on the blog. The AI erases smiles and changes lines, colors, and shapes, and it decides on which period art style to use.  With this system, according to their website, “anyone is able to use GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) models to generate a new painting, where facial lines are completely redesigned. The model decides for itself which style to use for the portrait. Details of the face and background contribute to direct the model towards a style. In style transfer, there is usually a strong alteration of colors, but the features of the photo remain unchanged. AI Portraits Ars creates new forms, beyond altering the style of an existing photo.” —– See a gallery and try it out at  AI Portraits Article about the algorithm on Fast Company:  AI Portraits Thanks, Armand