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What is Your Favorite #EdTech Resource?

I decided to share my current favorites in 6 categories we use to do most of our coaching. If you ask me the same question next week, I might have a completely different set of choices . . . Stay tuned.  (Many of these tools can be applied across multiple categories, so take the labels with a bit of skepticism.) Collaboration:  Google Drive   (Suite of resources to collaboratively create Documents, Presentations, Drawings, and much more.) Communication:  Remind   (Remind (formerly Remind101) is a safe, free way for teachers to text message students and keep in touch with parents.) Creativity:  Thinglink   (Annotate image and video content with notes and rich media links.) Critical Thinking:  TEDEd   ( Build a lesson around any TED-Ed Original, TED Talk or YouTube video.) Curiosity:  Wonderopolis   (Check out a wonder of the day.) Assessment:  Formative   (Formative runs on any internet connected device and is optimized for an 1:1, BYOD, flipped or blended classroom.) If you want a few

What is Your One Small Thing? - Join the Movement

If you decide to join the #OneSmallThing Movement, please share your graphic with me. I promise to retweet each one shared with me. ( @WickedEdTech ) Source I stumbled on this wonderful idea today from the  #OneSmallThing Blog .  #OneSmallThing is based on the simple idea that a BIG impact comes from focusing on one small change at a time So simple, but so powerful. I immediately began to brainstorm ideas for my  #OneSmallThing . I decided that taking at least one moment a day to find something that makes me smile would be my #OneSmallThing. I hope this is more than a selfish goal and it leads me to be a better person and educator. The site has a quick interface to create a graphic and here is my first attempt at a small thing graphic. Here are a few more that I loved on Twitter and I would love for you to share yours with me. I promise to retweet everyone. ( @WickedEdTech ) What will be your #OneSmallThing this year? 20 Quotes to Inspire You To Take Small Simple Steps Each Day