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Portrait Society Seminar 2023

  The annual Portrait Society Seminar began with the Faceoff event, where 18 artists painted portraits of 6 models in a 3-hour time span. I painted Alexandria using casein. Photo by Robin Damore It was fun to meet people at a book signing and customize each book with sketches. Photo by Robin Damore On Saturday I was part of a discussion about painting from living, speaking models. I shared the panel with Mary Whyte and Michael Shane Neal.  Throughout the weekend, pairs of painters stood on stage in the main ballroom painting three-hour portraits of fellow artists who acted as models. This time the model was Judith Carducci. On the left is Jeff Hein’s portrait halfway through, and on the right is the painting by Rose Frantzen.  Manufacturers showed and sold their wares, including brushes, paints, and panels. Here, Daniel Keys lays in a painting of irises on a Raymor panel. I did a presentation about executing a rapid block-in in various media, and demoed a portrait sketch of John from t