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Walter Shirlaw's Studies

Walter Shirlaw  (1838-1909) was a Scottish-born American, a painter, banknote engraver and teacher.    His painting “Toning the Bell” (1874, Chicago Art Institute ) shows the foreman striking the bell with a hammer, while the violinist plays a reference note.  The faces, hands, and postures of the two main characters show that they have different personalities and that they come from different worlds. This page of studies shows the construction of the violin, how the left hand needs to finger the strings, and a couple options for the bow hand.  It looks like he contemplated having the foundry man rest his left hand on the bell, and then changed his mind and brought the hand back into the shadow in front of his stomach. This appears to be another quick study to figure out the pose of the violinist. Studies like these are just a step in the process, but a very necessary step. —– Walter Shirlaw  on Wikipedia

Waldmuller Study

Tree Studies from Rome by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, 1846 Thanks to everyone who entered the Sunny Still Life Challenge . I’m going through the results now and am impressed with what you’ve all done. Results will be announced on the 27th.