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Pellew on Originality

In his 1970 book “ Painting in Watercolor ,” John Pellew addresses the question of what the beginning watercolorist should look for when they go to nature to try their hand at landscapes.  “Let me tell what not to look for. He should not look for a subject that reminds him of the subjects painted by his favorite artist. There are a lot of people out today looking for ready-made Wyeths. To them, I can only say that the best Wyeths are painted by Wyeth.” Pellew advises artists to rid their minds of preconceived notions of what a landscape subject should be. Walk around the subject until you find something that interests you, and then figure out how to translate that interest into a composition. “Keep your eyes open for things under your nose,” he says. “You could be passing up a real gem.” — Quotes from  Painting in Watercolor  by John Pellew